About me

PhD researcher @KU Leuven under the supervision of Prof. Estefanía Serral Asensio, Prof. Bart Baesens, and Prof. Jan Diels. I currently focus on AI/ML-solutions for the Internet of Things (i.e. time-series).

Feel free to reach out at boje.deforce[at]kuleuven.be


📢 January 2024: Our paper “Harnessing the power of transformers and data fusion in smart irrigation” has been published in Applied Soft Computing

📢 November 2023: Our paper “MultiMix TFT: A Multi-task Mixed-Frequency Framework with Temporal Fusion Transformers” has been published in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR)

📢 August 2023: We presented our work at CoLLAs 2023. Video and paper available here.

📢 June 2023: I will be doing a research visit at Carnegie Mellon University with Prof. Leman Akoglu to work on Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection!

📢 May 2023: Our paper “MultiMix TFT: A Multi-task Mixed-Frequency Framework with Temporal Fusion Transformers” has been accepted at CoLLAs 2023 🎉. See you there!

📢 July 2022: We’ll be presenting our work on forecasting sensor data in smart agriculture with Temporal Fusion Transformers at ICDATA 2022 in Las Vegas, USA

📢 May 2022: Our work on self-supervised anomaly detection will be presented at a workshop on PAKDD 2022 in Chengdu, China

📢 Feb 2021: I officialy started my PhD at the Research Center for Information Systems Engineering - KU Leuven, Belgium.